
The Corbin Links Show

Twice-weekly business creation and growth show, hosted by Corbin Links. Featured interviews include business, marketing productivity, and growth-hacking experts. Main focus is how to build and grow a coaching business FAST. Corbin is an International Business Consultant, Nutritionist, Entrepreneur, and Productivity Hacker. Content is guided by the BizLife Equation: great health + supercharged business + powered-up productivity = AMAZING LIFE (and world!) The Corbin Links Show is founded on the core concept that health, business, and productivity are all part of the same equation. Each week, Corbin also interviews productivity experts, health and nutritional experts, business experts, growth hackers, mind hackers and more! Each week, Corbin dives deep on one part of the equation. Some weeks he might be 2Xing (or working to 100X) your business. Other weeks, the topic might be supercharged health and nutrition or productivity to power through your life and business with amazing focus and energy.
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The Corbin Links Show



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May 18, 2016

Are you a corporate or big-company employee thinking of going out on your own? Taking charge of your career and starting your own consulting or coaching business?

Think the whole thing sounds a bit scary and uncertain?

A listener pointed out to me that I’ve talked a lot about the details of starting and running a business, but not so much about what it’s like to do it.

What’s a day in the life? What are some of the biggest challenges in making the shift from the hourly or salary model, to the independent business model?

Important things to think about, and honestly, I didn’t give enough consideration when I got started either.

So in today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • 5 of the biggest challenges you’ll face when leaving steady j-o-b, or the corporate world
  • 6 questions to answer for yourself BEFORE you consider starting your own business
  • A day in the life: what’s it really like being a coach?

My goal is that after today’s episode, you’ll be crystal clear on your next step—whether staying where you are for now, or building your own business plan.

Ready? Let’s do this!

Mar 16, 2016

Continuing a walk (or run...) through my upcoming *Coaching Profits Intensive course.

In case you missed it, the goal if this series starting from Episode CLS014, ( is cover my upcoming course end-to-end and module by module.

When this series is complete, I'll have shared about 40% of the course content for f-r-e-e.

Of course, if you want to fast-track your way to the 30-day program and get 100% of the content, you won't have long to wait. Stick around for the announcement.

In today's episode you will learn:

1. The 3 Things you must have in place before creating coaching packages and prices.

2. A whole new way to flip your thinking about sales and sell more coaching.

3. The 4 major pricing models, with examples.

If you're struggling to figure out pricing, packages, or you have them and want to book more coaching clients, this is YOUR episode.

Today is Part 1 of a two-part series on coaching business pricing and packaging.

Let's hit it...

Jul 22, 2015

What do incline boards, losing (or gaining) client opportunities, website hosting, client attraction have in common?

They're all related to questions asked by listeners and business colleagues. Because this is...Q&A catch-up episode! I'm going to try and answer at least 5 questions from the queue (they're piling up, but keep them coming) and we'll see how far I get.

We'll be bangin' your health today with an inexpensive, but highly versatile liquid which can remove acne, clean your system, help digestion, smooth up your skin, clean out the system gunk and much more.

Bangin' Your Productivity returns this week with one of my favorite new calendar / task tools. I've been using it every day for about 5 weeks now and am loving it.

As always, lots and lots to cover so let's do this!

Full show notes and details here:

Jul 15, 2015

Here's Just a Taste of What You'll Learn:

  • The secret one thing you can do to ensure you'll never run out of clients or opportunities.
  • Two major health and nutrition tips that can turn your life around in mere days. How strategic use of fruit can help you close more business deals!
  • How to build and expand your brand and business by having people buy *less*
  • What you need to know before taking your consulting or professional services business online.
  • How to validate any business idea before implementing.
  • Doing this for just 5 minutes in the middle of the business day can completely boost your mood and transform your day.
  • Tired of being told "humans only use 10% of their brains" and want to use more? How about LOTS more?
  • Why "salt studies" and "GI/glycemic" studies are completely flawed. This segment may have you completely rethinking your relationship to salt (the right kind) and salt.
  • Confused by all the carbohydrate wars? Diet "A" says carbs are evil. Diet "B" say you need them. Lars settles the eternal "carbohydrate debate" once and for all. Here's what the science says about your brain and carbs...
  • Got high blood pressure? Here's how to lower it naturally.
  • How to turn your taste buds up to 11.
  • Lars' theory of "simple shifts" and how they can wield HUGE results.
  • And so much more!

Once you've listened, take advantage of Lars' 100% FREE training. His training builds nicely on the "7 Keys to High-Performance Health" series we ran a few episodes ago.

Here's Lars:

May 13, 2015
  • True story: you have to plan a multi-country trip for medical treatment. You need some research tasks done and a bit of itinerary planning. But you only have $50USD to spend. I’ll share two well-tested services we’ve used, again, and again.
  • I tackle Carol’s questions about business insurance. Do you need it? Should you buy online or from a personal agent? What about errors and omissions policies? I’ll share everything that has worked well for our firm—and what hasn’t. (Disclaimer: I am NOT an insurance agent and our firm is not an in insurance firm. This is a discussion of what has worked well for us over the last 12 years.)
  • There are two habits I credit with my big health transformation 13 years ago. This new daily habit halted colds and flu (haven’t had them in years,) beat acid reflux disease, drop 80 pounds, drop years off my appearance and more. Listen to find out more…
  • Do you use the Chrome browser with lots of tabs and windows (and these days, who doesn’t?) I have JUST the thing to keep you focused, productive, and on track.