And now for something completely different…
Andrea writes:
Lately I’ve been getting all
sorts of letters about my trademark. Some are from lawyers wanting
to charge money for “services”.
I get others from different countries and individuals wanting
thousands of dollars or other currency to ‘register’ there. But
I’ve had a trademarked logo for 3 years in the US. Some of the
letters look really official, but I’m not sure. Should I just
ignore them?
Andrea, excellent question. You’re prompting me to do an episode on something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time: trademark predators.
Anyone who trademarks anything here—at least in the States—goes on public record. And, due to freedom of information acts and related legislation, anyone around the world can seemingly tie into this public data and use it to extort legit business owners.
We get a bunch of correspondence on our trademarks too, and I have a few choice opinions to share on the whole thing.
Let me preface today’s topic by saying first and foremost: I am NOT a trademark attorney, and do not represent a law firm. Everything I’m sharing today is for research purposes only, and based on our direct experience, that of our clients, and research.
So without further ado, let’s dive headlong into the world of trademark pirates, trawlers, and predators.