It's time for Questions and ACTIONS Friday!
This week, Kayla asks---
"I don't have a set or published rate list, but all my potential clients want to know about that first. How can I move them off the rate topic and back to the service and value I provide?"
Great question, Kayla. I think anyone who has ever tried to directly sell ANY type of product or service has run into this a few times (or a LOT of times!)
But since it's happening maybe a few times, we need to dig a bit deeper. Lots to consider here, but in today's show we'll explore:
1. What's in a rate, anyway?
2. Why clients pick apart rates, though studies show people generally buy results over price?
3. How to avoid, or at least minimize the whole rate conversation.
4. The one thing which can convert the doubting client more than anything (and hint, it's NOT the rate).
Lots to talk about, so let's get rolling!