The long-overdue, money segment is here!
If you’ve been with the show for a while (thank you), or brand new (welcome!), you’ve heard a lot about clients this, business that, and productivity that.
But what about cost containment? After all, 3 ways to improve the bottom line:
1. Spend less
2. Make more
3. Make more AND spend less (which is usually an inverse relationship, and topic for another time)
We’ve talked all about the “make more” part. (No worries—I’ll be coming back to that again and again.)
Today is about the “spend less” side of the equation. Really successful businesses have a LOT coming in, and make sure it’s ALWAYS more than what’s going out.
I know, I know…we all think we know this---but the majority of new businesses, and especially startup business, operate on the “let’s stay in the red long enough to build a business, then shoot into the black.” Honestly, sometimes that DOES work. But mostly—not so much. And since we’re ALL about building a strong, well-founded business from day one, that includes strong cost management and cost containment.
So get out your virtual ledgers, notebooks, and comfy earbuds and let’s hit it!
Full show notes: