Having a new case study—or 3—is a wonderful thing. Case studies mean your services and products are selling, and your portfolio is growing! But now what? How do you recoup the time, money, and energy spent creating your business case study? After all, as great as case studies are, they do take time and effort that could otherwise be used on billable work.
What are some of the most effective ways to market them? In today's part two of the business case study series, I'll share some practical strategies you can use right now—today—to market your case studies.
More than a green, more than protein, more than plain old vitamins and minerals, it's.... well…I'll keep you in suspense. But in today's Bangin' Your Health Segment, I'll share an amazing super green leaf that has energy, power, and so much more. It's starting to get trendy, and you may have heard of it recently, but there is a LOT to this story. We use it every day topically and in drinks, and have noticed visible differences. Stay tuned...
And in today's Productivity Segment, I'll share a couple of inexpensive, but creative ways to extend your monitor real estate and get some of that "multi-monitor productivity" - but without the 2nd monitor. I use a variation of this highly portable setup when traveling, and it's a strong productivity boost. Can't wait to share it with you.
In fact, there's so much to share that we should just do it. Let's go!
Do you have case studies in your portfolio? Have you ever found them challenging or time-consuming? Wondering if they're worth the time and investment?
As coaches and consultants, client success stories and case studies are important parts of our portfolios. And recent studies show that studies do matter, and are read by decision makers, especially when working with business to business industries. But what to do about them? Is there a correct or "best way?" I'm going tackle those questions and more in today's feature segment.
Is it possible to just eat and drink whatever you want, and still live to 100 or more? If so, is it a good idea? I still have people who mail me about someone who ate bacon for a 100 years, or drank a gallon of whiskey a day for decades without problem, or smoked cigarettes into their 90's. This idea comes up a lot, usually to counter any suggestions of healthy / nutritious living. I have a few thoughts about that topic and will attempt to point out a few other things to consider for planning your turbo-boosted productivity.
And speaking of productivity, it's "productivity insurance" time, with my favorite tool for protecting productivity in the event of computer loss or downtime. This has saved me literally 2+ full days already, and is worth considering to protect your data, business, and livelihood.
B-I-G show! Let's get to it!
Addressing big company concerns about small company resources | The Magic of Colloidal Minerals | A Tool to Save 10 - 30 Minutes Per day | And More!
Are you having a tough time making inroads to large client firms because they "perceive" you as too small to work with them? Or, because you're not on their "preferred vendor list"? How do you answer the infamous "bench strength" question when selling to large firms?
Well, today I share 5 tips for dealing with the bench strength question.
In today's Bangin' Your Health segment, I'll share another power tool in your health and nutritional arsenal. One that can help re-mineralize your body, help health conditions, reduce sickness, boost your energy, and more. And it's portable enough to take with you on long trips.
And we're going to get a bit geeky in today's Bangin' Your Productivity segment. It's shiny tool time again, with a free software package that can save you 10 - 30 minutes a day in your markdown writing.
Another full agenda, so let's do this!
Lots to talk about today, so let's get to it!
Do you work for an organization that's big on projects and dreams, but short on budget? Find it hard to get your projects done?
Or, maybe you're a consultant or coach who is constantly contacted by firms wanting to make an employee of you, but without the packages or incentives?
This is an increasingly common trend; trying to do gigantic projects on little or no budget. In today's feature segment, I'll share 8 strategies for the budget-strapped enterprise to address the "need a project, but have insufficient funds" challenge.
What diet do you follow? What plan should I be on? A few questions about this recently and I'll share a few thoughts on diet camps, "wars", and a sound strategy that works well with *any* of them.
In today's bangin' your productivity segment, we're back to shiny tools! This has bee my go-to mail tool for the past 3 years now, though I've tried countless others. This is the mainstay and I'll share 5 big reasons why you may want to try it for your self.
Lots to talk about today, so let's get to it!