
The Corbin Links Show

Twice-weekly business creation and growth show, hosted by Corbin Links. Featured interviews include business, marketing productivity, and growth-hacking experts. Main focus is how to build and grow a coaching business FAST. Corbin is an International Business Consultant, Nutritionist, Entrepreneur, and Productivity Hacker. Content is guided by the BizLife Equation: great health + supercharged business + powered-up productivity = AMAZING LIFE (and world!) The Corbin Links Show is founded on the core concept that health, business, and productivity are all part of the same equation. Each week, Corbin also interviews productivity experts, health and nutritional experts, business experts, growth hackers, mind hackers and more! Each week, Corbin dives deep on one part of the equation. Some weeks he might be 2Xing (or working to 100X) your business. Other weeks, the topic might be supercharged health and nutrition or productivity to power through your life and business with amazing focus and energy.
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The Corbin Links Show



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Now displaying: January, 2016
Jan 29, 2016

We are in the second of our new Friday *Questions and ACTIONS* edition of *The Corbin Links Show*. Today I've got a whopper of a question, that I'll try to break down into 3 starter pieces.

Tracy asks about going pro with her custom event planning business. She also asks if she needs a business plan, or just respond to work as it comes up? How to make and receive money? And a couple other things as well.

Great questions, and ones we can all relate to at some point in our business journies.I'll share a few thoughts and 3 specific *next steps* to move forward with your idea.

Let's get it started!

Jan 27, 2016


Ever feel like you're just one business in the sea of thousands of similar ones? Millions of similar ones? Why would someone pick you? How would they find you? How does your own unique blend of services---delivered only the way YOU can delivery them---really stand out?


If any of this sounds familiar, you're in the right seat. Polls consistently show that differentiation, or "standing out in a crowded, highly competitive market place" is a top business concern.


Trying to stand out, or explain your uniqueness can be daunting---if you don't have the formula. Well, today's show is here to put an end to generic business labels! You're unique, you have something unique, and NO ONE else can deliver what you do quite the way you do. That's what customers and clients need to understand to buy from you, and that's what we're going to tackle.


You'll learn 8 field tested, battle-hardened ways to differentiate your consulting, coaching, or any services-based business. So what do you say we get started?


Jan 22, 2016

This week's question comes from Sheila.

Sheila writes (I'm slightly paraphrasing)— I'm really interested in health coaching, but a bit unsure about the money side of things. I've mailed and talked with a few people in the industry, but so many don't seem to be doing very well financially. This makes me a bit nervous.

Any additional insights?

Great question Sheila, and oh yeah—I have a couple thoughts to share with you on this very topic. Let's get this started!

Jan 20, 2016


As consultants, coaches, leaders, and subject matter experts, we're expected to be:


- "on top of our game"
- "in step / tune with our industry"
- "ahead of the curve"
- "have the answers"
- and a lot of other things


Sounds reasonable right? After all, clients are paying us to be the expert voice.


But it's challenging isn't it? With all the other activities we have, including managing money, staff, clients, delivery, administration, automation, errands, planning, strategy, travel, and a host of other factors: how do we keep up? How do we keep that "step ahead" and our "go-to expert" personas?


Information overload and keeping up with—ideally ahead of—our industries is almost a job in and of itself. But clients expect it, and we should expect it of ourselves, to the best extent possible.


So today, I'm sharing 7 Strategies to Keep Up—Or Stay Ahead Of—Industry Trends.


Start 'er up!

Jan 15, 2016

Today is the very first edition of the new Friday podcast: Question and Action Friday. And I've got a great question and action to share!

We all have to start somewhere, and starting off on the right foot can help us reach our goals and dreams a whole lot faster.

If you have a new coaching or consulting business, you have a LOT of questions. And Marla asks a classic:

"How can I 'get the word out' in my new coaching business?"

Let’s find out!

Jan 13, 2016

If you had a chance to listen to my past business "crash, burn and rebuild" story, you remember that a major issue was "cost management" and lessons learned.

I have a lot of passion about this topic and helping others answer the question "how to best balance what you really should buy, and what to wait on?"

And last week I covered 7 Strategies to 2X (or more!) your business in 2016. What was #7?

Manage your money more effectively.

Money management is where many businesses make or break their futures. We're all trained to think: just do more business: one more client / one more sale / one more .... one more...

Sure, that’s all great—we of COURSE need more clients, products, streams, and revenue. But it's what we DO with that revenue that transforms businesses from bad to good, good to great, great to stellar.

But there's this other side of the equation, right?

We've all heard things like:

- "You have to spend money to make money"

- "Scared money don't make money"

- “You gotta pay to play”

- And lots of other variations on the same theme

So, how do we balance pay-to-play, vs business cost management? I'm diving into shiny objects vs. cost management today So let's get it started!

Jan 6, 2016

New Season! New Show!

Yes, your old "Bangin' Your Business" podcast feed *is* pointing to the right place. You can check out the backstory on that over at

But on with the (new) show!

Let's kick off your life and business new year with 7 Strategies to 2x Your Business in 2016 and Beyond.

What you will learn:

1. What to expect in the new "Corbin Links Show" format.

2. 7 full in-depth, field-tested, business boosting strategies. I'll cover:

- Health
- Productivity
- Clients
- Training
- Automation
- Money Management
- And more!

Whether 2015 was your dream year, a not-so-dreamy year, or somewhere in between, I've got your back.

I guarantee if you implement these strategies you WILL have a bigger year in 2016.

Let's do this!