It's that time of year. Many of us are re-evaluating our strategies, business, opportunities, and how are time is spent. I've been spending an inordinate amount of time with contact forms the last two weeks; ours, our client's, and some business coaches we're working with during year-end planning.
What we're finding is a mix of the cool, to the complex, to the downright broken in terms of forms. We're all condititioned to think we need them on our sites and web presence points? But do we really? and if so, what do they NEED to really do? How can/should we manage them? Are they really a good source of live, paying coaching or consulting business? I'll explore all that and more in today's feature segment.
In the health segment, we'll explore another "magical" herb for our health arsenal. This orange-ish powerhouse is often used as a food spice, but has many other benefits as well. Smoothies, drinks, food, you name it. And the benefits are huge.
It's productivity tool time again. This time, I'll have a productivity tactic and suggestions for both Mac AND Windows this week. Any time I have to use a new computer or workstation, this is one of the first 2 - 3 pieces of software I install; each and every time. And used right, it can save a half hour or more per day.
Ready? Let's do it!