
The Corbin Links Show

Twice-weekly business creation and growth show, hosted by Corbin Links. Featured interviews include business, marketing productivity, and growth-hacking experts. Main focus is how to build and grow a coaching business FAST. Corbin is an International Business Consultant, Nutritionist, Entrepreneur, and Productivity Hacker. Content is guided by the BizLife Equation: great health + supercharged business + powered-up productivity = AMAZING LIFE (and world!) The Corbin Links Show is founded on the core concept that health, business, and productivity are all part of the same equation. Each week, Corbin also interviews productivity experts, health and nutritional experts, business experts, growth hackers, mind hackers and more! Each week, Corbin dives deep on one part of the equation. Some weeks he might be 2Xing (or working to 100X) your business. Other weeks, the topic might be supercharged health and nutrition or productivity to power through your life and business with amazing focus and energy.
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The Corbin Links Show



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Now displaying: December, 2015
Dec 30, 2015

Corbin Links here, with a very special "just me" episode today.

Today's show marks the end of "Season 1," and a new beginning for the next phase of the show. We're just going to chat today. No special segments, music, fanfare or copyright notices. Just you and me. But stay tuned for a big announcement at the end.

First, I'd like to share 7 things I learned doing Season 1 of this show—39 full episodes in all.

As many of you know, podcasting and I go way back to late 2005. During that time, I've had the honor and pleasure of hosting several fun, interesting, and educational shows. *Bangin' Your Business* continues that tradition.

And with each new show, there is something BRAND new to learn. Literally with each and every episode. Learning, sharing, and feedback, helping others, and the opportunity to meet great people help make it all worthwhile.

Many of my coaching and consulting clients are starting to podcast, considering it, or asking me about it. For them, and for you the listener who may be considering picking up the mic, this show's for you. If you're looking for the "how" of setting up a podcast from scratch there are some brilliant and complete tutorials out there. Will have at least one in the show notes.

Instead, this is more of a "lessons learned" episode, from a coaching / consulting perspective. If that's you—or a future version of you—then you're in the right place.

Dec 23, 2015

As business coaches and consultants, we often think "Hey wait a minute, I AM the coach/consultant/expert! Why would I hire someone else to coach me?"

"Why don't I take myself on as a client and do it myself!"

Ever thought that? Me to; countless times. For YEARS. And I'll share a secret: it's only been the past 3 years or so, where I've let myself open up and bring in outside consultants and coaches to analyze and work with our business.

And you know what?

It's been HUGE. More productivity, more sales, more clarity and focus. In today's Feature Segment, I'll share 7 tips for hiring your own business coach, plus 5 strategies for getting the most from your consultations.

It's that holiday season of the year: food, lots and lots of food, parties, drinks, stress, travel, and ... so easy to get carried away. Got you covered. In the Bangin' Your Health segment, I'll share 9 tips for keeping your health during the holidays.

In the Bangin' Your Productivity segment, we'll talk winter cleaning and share a few tips for an efficient office space.

What you will learn:

  • 7 tips for hiring the perfect business coach for your business.
  • 5 strategies to get the most value from your consulting sessions.
  • 9 strategies to supercharge your health and during the holidays. Get those immunity shields up!
  • 8 strategies to turn your ho-hum office into a productivity powerhouse.

Dec 16, 2015

It's that time of year. Many of us are re-evaluating our strategies, business, opportunities, and how are time is spent. I've been spending an inordinate amount of time with contact forms the last two weeks; ours, our client's, and some business coaches we're working with during year-end planning.

What we're finding is a mix of the cool, to the complex, to the downright broken in terms of forms. We're all condititioned to think we need them on our sites and web presence points? But do we really? and if so, what do they NEED to really do? How can/should we manage them? Are they really a good source of live, paying coaching or consulting business? I'll explore all that and more in today's feature segment.

In the health segment, we'll explore another "magical" herb for our health arsenal. This orange-ish powerhouse is often used as a food spice, but has many other benefits as well. Smoothies, drinks, food, you name it. And the benefits are huge.

It's productivity tool time again. This time, I'll have a productivity tactic and suggestions for both Mac AND Windows this week. Any time I have to use a new computer or workstation, this is one of the first 2 - 3 pieces of software I install; each and every time. And used right, it can save a half hour or more per day.

Ready? Let's do it!

Dec 9, 2015

I have a big announcement today, something a long time in coming and that will help your business soar!

We're doing a full-on Q&A episode today. Covering questions such as:

1. When and how to separate from problem client?

2. Should I work a side job while building my business?

3. How can I stay focused in a client "fishbowl" environment?

4. Will I review your course, software, book, or widget?

And more!

You know we're big fans of nutritional greens on this show. In the bangin' your health segment, I share two other super amazing concentrated greens to boost performance, protein, alkalinity, and more.

No separate Bangin' Your Productivity segment today, as we're rolling everything in to the feature.

Dec 2, 2015

Do you ever feel like you’re just running on a treadmill and not quite getting there? Or you’re getting somewhere, but feeling tired, burned out all the time? Or worse, you had a recent “crash” state, and had to take unscheduled downtime just to recover, much less get productive again?

I’ve been there too. It’s not fun, and a HUGE reason why we started the whole bangin’ your business concept of health+business. Well today, we’re going to get down and detailed on the core of our business and personal selves, and protect that most valuable asset: our individual selves and our time. There are 5 strategies to do just that very thing.

A lot of people wonder about supplements: are they any good? which ones to take, and especially “I’ve been taking them, but they don’t work! What do I do?” Today’s Bangin’ Your Health topic is appropriately titled “Help! My supplements don’t work!”

Once our core is protected, and our supplements sorted out, we’ll turn to productivity and share both a strategy and a tool suggestion for saving 30 - 60 minutes per day. Interested?

Then let’s do this!